The spell checker tool checks spelling in subtitles, reports errors, and presents solutions.


There are two kinds of dictionaries:

Project dictionaries

They are stored inside the project.


Global dictionaries

They are shared dictionaries, available for all projects.

They are stored by default in C:\ProgramData\Lemony Pro 5\Dictionaries.



Spell checker

Specifies the spell checker engine to use.

The default engine can be set in the settings window.


Override language

If enabled, you can select the dictionary language to use.


Refresh languages

Refreshes the override language list, but using the available languages for the selected spell checker.


Spell checkers details

Displays information about the selected spell checker.


Clips scope

Specifies which clips to check.



Specify the tracks to check.



Starts analyzing the selected tracks.



Creates a document with all the detected errors.


Results panel

Displays the detected errors.


Double-click an error to display its details.



Removes the word from the report. The word will be reported again in the next check.



Opens the consult dialog, which offers several options to check the word on-line.


Add to project dictionary

Adds the word to the project dictionary, using word's language.


Add to neutral project dictionary

Adds the word to the neutral project dictionary.


Details panel

Displays detailed information about the selected word.


It displays the selected word, language and kind of error.




Removes the word from the report. The word will be reported again in the next check.



Displays the suggestions to correct the word.

By clicking a suggestion, it becomes active. Then you can apply it individually to each subtitle.



Opens the consult dialog, which offers several options to check the word on-line.


Add to dictionary

Allows to add the word to a dictionary.

You can select the word casing, kind of dictionary, and language.



Displays the subtitles that contain the word.